



  1. 服務方面



1.  參與恒常的校內服務


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2.  參與學校活動(一次性/持續性)


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3.  參與社區服務




  • 全學年每累積8分,記優點一個

  • 學生於每一學段遲到少於2次,記優點一個
  • 每一學段結算一次
  • 全年沒有缺席,可獲得勤學獎(於第三學段頒發)。以下情況可獲豁免:

a. 如因病需要請病假,必須提供醫療証明文件。

b. 如因私人理由缺席,校方將根據具體情況酌情處理。


  • 學生在校內或校外比賽獲獎,學校會安排於早會/頒獎禮/畢業禮/校訊/學校網頁中表揚。


  • 6個優點累進成1個小功,3個小功累進1個大功 (每學段累積結算)



1. 考勤

  • 學生於一個學段內,每遲到5次,記缺點一個
  • 每一學段結算一次

2.  違規行為

  • 如學生有違規行為,校方將記錄及與學生跟進處理,並與家長合作教育子女,令學生改過遷善。
  • 如屢次出現違規行為的學生,校方將發出書面警告。情況嚴重、態度惡劣或嚴重違規,例如校內屢次不守秩序、攜帶不良或危險物品、粗言穢語、作弊、偽造文書、傷人、破壞物品、偷竊、高空擲物等。校方會記錄在學校訓輔紀錄,致電家長或與家長面談,商討解決問題方法。校方將視乎違規行為的嚴重性給予相應的處分,包括缺點、小過或大過。有需要時會由校長或訓輔老師跟進,或徵詢警民關係組意見。


  • 6個缺點累進成1個小過,3個小過累進1個大過 (每學段累積結算)

*備註︰ 學校實施上述獎懲制度時,會按實際情況作適當調整。

Student reward and penalty system

Discipline and counseling complement each other in the growth process of students. The goal of tutoring is to cultivate students to establish correct values and then transform them into standards of personal behavior. Clear rewards and penalties make students happy to follow the rules. In order to improve transparency, the school's reward and penalties system is now provided for parents' reference to achieve the spirit of home-school cooperation.


In order to reward students for their excellent performance and contributions in services, attendance and extracurricular activities, the school will recognize and strengthen students' good and positive behaviors with merits, minor merits and major merits. Therefore, students are encouraged to further develop their strengths and serve as role models for classmates. Relevant awards will be displayed on the student's report card.


  • Point system(Please refer to the Student Handbook P.17 Student Service Record)

Types of Service


1.Participate in routine school service

eg. monitor, prefect, class library assistant IT helper lunchtime helper, reading corner assistant, reading ambassador, subject leader……

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(each school term)

2.Participate in school activities (one-off / regular)

eg. performer, event assistant/helper

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(each activity)

3.Participate in community services

eg. visits, volunteer on flag-selling day


(each service)

  • One merit will be awarded for every 8 points

2. Attendance

  • One merit will be awarded for student who has late record less than 2 times in each semester.
  • Settlement once for each term
  • A Diligent Student Award will be presented in Term 3 to the students who have no absent record throughout the year.

The following situations can be exempted:

a. Medical certificate must be provided when taking sick leave.

b. School will handle at its discretion based on the specific circumstances if absence is due to personal reasons.

3. Extracurricularactivities

When students win prizes in Intra-school or Inter-school competitions, the school will arrange to commend them in the morning assembly/ award ceremony/ graduation ceremony/ school news or school website.

Progressive reward system
6 merits will be accumulated into 1 minor merit, and 3 minor merits will be accumulated into 1 major merit (cumulative calculation for each term)

Penalties for violations

Students should obey the teacher's instructions, fulfill their student responsibilities, and implement the student code. The school will take disciplinary action against students for theirattendanceandviolations. Relevant sanctions will be displayed in the student handbook and report card.

1.  Attendance

  • One demerit will be recorded for every 5 times a student being recorded late in a term.
  • Settlement once for each term

2. Violations

  • If students violate the school rules, the Discipline department will record and follow up with the students. Also, the school work with parents to help educate their children in a better way.
  • Warnings letter will be issued to students who repeatedly violate the school rules. If serious situation occurs such as repeated disorderly conduct in school, carrying bad or dangerous items to school, foul language, cheating, forging documents, injuring others, vandalism, stealing, throwing objects from height, etc., the Discipline department will take record. There will be meeting with parents to discuss ways to solve the problem. The school will impose corresponding sanctions depending on the seriousness of the violation, including demerits, minor fault, or major fault. When necessary, the principal or discipline teacher will follow up or consult the Police-Community Relations Unit.

Progressive penalties system

  • 6 demerits will be accumulated into 1 minor fault, and 3 minor faults will be accumulated into 1 major fault (cumulative calculation for each term)

*Note: When the school implements the above reward and penalty system, appropriate adjustments will be made based on the actual situation.